Special Chromatography Techniques
Reversed phase chromatography A type of liquid chromatography. Mobile phase is more polar than the stationary phase (Not like other chromatography techniques) Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry - Resulting simple molecules are subjected to a gas chromatography and then to a mass spectrometry. - Test sample is heated to decompose into smaller molecules. - Separated by GC. - Quantified by mass spectroscopy Pyrolysis : Thermal decomposition of material in a vacuum material – quick heating 600- 1000 C Countercurrent chromatography - A type of liquid – liquid chromatography - Physical principle is solubility. - Samples separate due to partition coefficient - Types of CCC – HPCCC (High performance CCC) , HSCCC(High Speed CCC) - Column rotates during separation. Chiral chromatograph - Separates stereoisomer (Same fo